A. Martínez
Mexican Artist.
Graduated in visual arts, from the National Institute of Beautiful Arts of Mèxico (INBA), has been a part of more than 150 expositions between individuals and collectives standing out some important national and international
places. In Mexico as the National auditorium, Diego Rivera Museum, acquisition award, Mixquic Museum in Mexico City, and the 1st Riviera Maya Painting Award. Also, he was part of international expositions and symposiums in Hungary, France, Italy, Patience,Romania, Czech Republic, among others, between 2013 and 2017. Sculpture works making enlargements and bronzes at
the foundry of the sculpture Jorge Gonzalez for the artists Juan Soriano, Leonora Carrington, Gunten Gerso, Jose Luis Cuevas, Roger Von Gunten, and many others. Special works of restorations of mural paintings, sculptures, bones, ceramics, and others at the National Anthropology and History Museum of Mexico. Restorations of churches, palaces, principally Sta Prisca
in Taxco, Mexico, with the company Ars Habitat. He taught courses of drawing, nude draw, and aesthetic appreciation of art in Mexico City and Playa del Carmen.
At present, he lives in Playa del Carmen working for the municipal government, in charge of the cultural patrimony and exposing his art at Gaston Charo Gallery.